Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Homework 1

Wesley Morris’s article “The rise of the NBA nerd: Basketball style and black identity” mainly focuses on the way the current NBA players changed the way they used to dress. His article is basically a comparison of the style of the NBA players in the past and the players now. I agree with that but why are they doing that? Well I think that it’s possible for the players to change the way they dress seeking for more attention from the media and fans, or just for the sake of trying something different!

Fashion changes, celebrities used to wear baggy pants and an XXL sized basketball jersey with a baseball cap worn sideways and a chain around their neck with a spinner watch as big as a wall clock! Then they use the term “Swag” to describe their look and now many people who say “You don’t need education when you've got swag” or something like that. Class is what the world defines fashion as in our generation. Why do models in the fashion market always look good on anything they wear? It’s because when modeling, whatever they wear is adjusted tightly with paper binding clips to give a good shape to the model. Imagine walking into a press conference with binders all over your shirt, I’m sure that will get you more attention than a backpack! But I think he carries a backpack to stretch his shirt and tighten it a bit to give him a good look and as I mentioned earlier looking different from the rest and being unique might be a possibility too.

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